Medicine by air - NGO Médicaéro

Since 2016, Aviation Sans Frontières (ASF) has been supporting the project Medicine by Air of the NGO Médicaéro, thanks to your generosity.

Four times a year we provide air transport for a multidisciplinary medical team of volunteers to hospitals in remote areas of the Ampanihy district in Madagascar.
As Xavier Vincke, Director of Programs at Aviation Sans Frontières Belgium, explains: "To reach the city of Ampanihy you have to drive for 12 hours in a 4x4 on rutted tracks. Not only the vehicles and passengers are severely put to the test, but also attacks by bandits are a significant threat. With a flight of 45 minutes, the distance is covered by air. So, it goes without saying that the plane is an enormous lifesaving tool".
© Garth Cripps
The Medicine by Air project does not only provide medical treatments and medicines; it also ensures exchange of experiences, competence building of local staff and practice education for Madagascar students.