Accompaniment of children

“The child is suddenly snatched away from his family and does not understand what is happening… And in the morning a small miracle happens: the child seems transformed. It has come to trust you and cling to you… In a matter of hours we have to gain a child's trust!” (Nicole RUYSSEN)

The volunteers of Aviation Sans Frontières - Belgium guide children from developing countries on their long plane journey towards healing.

That way, Aviation Sans Frontières - Belgium supports Chain of Hope Belgium (since 1997), Chain of Hope Luxembourg (since 2017) and Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque (since 2021). These associations organize surgery for children in Europe when their illness or condition cannot be treated in their own country. They also arrange their stay with host families.
The accompaniment of the child by the volunteers of ASF-Belgium alleviates the stress of the journey and the shock of a double, painful divorce: when the child has to say goodbye to his family and later to his host family with whom strong ties have been created over the months.

Already before departure, the volunteers should advise and reassure the child, and give him attention and affection. The journey is sometimes full of surprises, such as panic fear, floods of tears and even nausea. That is why the companions have their European first aid certificate from the Red Cross.
© Pierre Mullier